How To Tell Your Landlord You’re Moving Out + Free Email Template

Moving soon? Not sure how to break it off with your landlord? Here’s BeMoved's step-by-step guide on communicating your intentions to find new accommodation, including a notice template you can use to email your landlord.
In life, moving is as certain as the sun rising in the east. You may have found that perfect place you’ve been dreaming of — the one where you see yourself making a home, drinking coffee, having dinner parties with your friends, and maybe raising a family.
There’s just one catch. It doesn’t matter if you are leaving your landlord on horrible or amicable terms — nobody wants to be dumped. So, how do you tell your landlord you’re breaking up with them?
At BeMoved we believe in simplifying all the hard parts of life. Like moving out and reconnecting your utilities, for example. Instead of spending hours comparing different service plans and rates, call us — we help you connect your utilities in one order, without the phone calls, in as little as 5-10 minutes.
Click here and start arranging your Electricity, Gas & NBN connections.
And not only that, we’ve got a list of everything you need to know and do so that you can tell your landlord you’re ending the lease without a hitch— including a free template below!
First, check your lease agreement
To start, check the termination clause in your lease agreement. The termination clause has all the rules that both the tenant (you) and the landlord need to follow when vacating the property. Your lease agreement usually falls under one of these types:
- A short fixed-term lease — cannot be longer than five years.
- A long fixed-term lease — longer than five years.
- A periodic lease — month-by-month lease.
A periodic lease usually happens when the fixed one expires. If that’s your situation, you don’t have to sign a new agreement because the original one still applies.
No matter which lease agreement you fall under, you have to pay the last month’s rent and give notice to your landlord, telling them you’re relocating.
Moving out during a fixed-term lease
Relocating during a fixed-term lease is tricky, so it’s best if you have a good relationship with your landlord. Why?
Because there is a legal obligation for you to fulfill the terms of your agreement. If you want to move out earlier than your lease end date, it won’t be easy.
First, contact your landlord. Try to be open, and honest, and have a reasonable discussion. Lay your cards on the table. Explain the circumstances of your leaving and why you can’t wait until the contracted move-out date.
One of the following scenarios is most likely to happen:
- Your landlord will refuse and ask that you stick to the terms of the lease.
- Your landlord will allow you to vacate the rental early, under certain conditions — such as foregoing your security deposit.
- Your landlord may agree to terminate the tenancy early.
Even if your landlord agrees to terminate the lease early, it’s a good idea to be financially prepared for several outcomes.
Your landlord may ask you to cover the marketing costs of finding a new tenant or to find a new tenant for them, and they could also demand that you pay rent for the remaining months on your lease. However, if your landlord refuses to let you out from your obligations, unfortunately, you are stuck.
Moving out at the end of a fixed-term lease
If your lease has ended, and you need to move out, there shouldn’t be any trouble doing so. What you want to do is vacate the rental on the move-out date specified in your lease contract. To get ready for vacating, check out the best moving house checklist ever.
Pay attention — your lease does not automatically terminate on the date specified in the contract.
You are required to give your landlord notice and pay for the last month of rent. Most contracts ask for a 30-day notice to vacate, while some may even ask for 45 to 60 days. This is known as the Surrender of Lease notice. For example:
Your lease finish date: August 25th
When you’ll need to deliver the notice: before July 25th
You can give your landlord notice to vacate by email, or by a written notice. If a written notice is more your style, send it via a courier service which has a tracking option. This makes sure you have a traceable footprint.
Moving out during a periodic lease
This is the easiest situation for tenants to deal with. It usually happens when your fixed lease is over and you haven’t signed a new agreement.
All you have to do is stay at the rental property and continue to pay rent as always. The same terms and conditions apply as your previous fixed lease, but the contract is now month-to-month.
If your lease is periodic, you’re quite lucky. However, even in this scenario, tenants are required to give landlords proper notice to vacate.
The same rules apply as relocating at the end of a fixed lease — give at least 30 days notice before you move so you don’t lose your security deposit. As before, you can do this by email or by sending a written notice.
Here’s what to include in your vacate notice
Here are a few important points a tenant should include when they give their notice letter:
- Landlord’s address — Use the official address written on the lease.
- Date of the letter — Make sure the landlord gets your notice on time.
- The purpose of the letter — State why you are writing the letter and include the date you intend to move away.
Remember to include these details too:
- Mention that the rent is fully paid.
- Request that the deposit is returned to you.
- Write your new address, so the landlord can pay back the security deposit once you move.
- Sign the letter.
Notice to vacate outline – Your free template
Finally, here is an example of a letter giving notice to a landlord of a tenant moving out:
Dear (Landlord name),
Thank you for renting (unit X) to me, however I have decided to move.
The purpose of this letter is to meet the lease requirements by giving you (X) day’s notice. Let me know if there is any property inspection you need to do. I will deliver all keys for the property before my move out date.
Please inform me when I can expect my security deposit of $(the amount stated in the lease contract) back.
Also, please inform me if you see any reason to not return my security deposit or refund me the full amount.
Finally, if there are any policies for leaving the rental unit that I should follow, please let me know. You can reach me at (email and/or phone number).
For your records, my new address is:
(enter an address here)
Your name
You’re ready for your move & your landlord knows it!
Moving can be daunting, but we can help you tick a few tasks off your list.
Check out our helpful list of Frequently Asked Questions, or get in touch via livechat if you need additional assistance.
Do I need to be at the new address to get connected?
In most cases, no, no one will need to be at the home when the connection is turned on. You'll likely have to make sure the electricity supply is switched off on the main switchboard, though. The provider will give you instructions once your application is submitted.
What does it cost to connect my energy and gas?
There is no cost to use the BeMoved service to connect your electricity or gas. Costs for the plans you choose will vary depending on the provider and plan you choose, and these costs are shown on the plans page.
Where do I find my main switch?
Your main switch is located in your fuse or meter box. Depending on your property, your meter box could be:
- on an outside wall
- in your garage
- in your hallway
- in a kitchen cupboard In your meter box there'll be a number of switches.
Look for the one that has the "main switch" label. Some properties also have a hot water switch - if yours does, you'll need to look for that one too. Flick the main switch (and hot water switch if you have one) to the off position (this might be shown as an | for on and O for off) to allow your electricity connection to take place. Once your power company has confirmed your electricity is connected, switch the main switch and hot water switch back on.
I've been approved for a rental property. How do I connect electricity?
The process for a rental property is the same as other properties. Simply go through the connection flow, choosing the address, connection date, energy provider and plan, and provide a few personal details. From there, we'll get your connection sorted!
What's a smart meter and how do I know if I have one?
A "Smart Meter", or digital meter, records your energy consumption every 30 minutes and sends usage data to your retailer. This means you get more timely and accurate bills, and can receive bills monthly.
Unlike smart meters, "Basic Meters" measure your usage from one point in time to another and are read by a meter reader every 3 months.
Smart meters generally have a digital face with numbers or digits that represent your current read data and electricity consumption. Basic or analogue meters generally have a dial that spins around, recording your consumption in kWh.
How soon can gas be connected?
Natural gas connections can take 2-3 business days, so make sure to submit your order ASAP if you need gas services connected.
How do I track my order?
Once you've submitted your order, you'll receive an SMS and Email with details of how to keep track of your order.
Can I complete my connection online?
Absolutely! That's the benefit of using the BeMoved service. In just a few minutes, and without any annoying phone calls or sitting on hold, we can get your connection sorted and tick that task off your list.
What energy providers does BeMoved partner with?
We partner with Australia's top-tier providers, including EnergyAustralia, Origin and AGL.
Why do I need to provide personal details?
Your personal information is required to pre-fill your utility connection application. We will ask for your full name, mobile phone number and email address. Once you have chosen your provider and plan, you'll also be asked for your ID details, date of birth and address. These are required by the energy companies to process your application.
We do not disclose or sell your personal information to anyone, and collecting these details is for the sole purpose of arranging and facilitating your utility connection (as per the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988). BeMoved Privacy Policy.